
Thanks so much for all the congrats and well wishes, everyone! If this were Twitter, I would fave all your replies to acknowledge them. Since that doesn’t work on, I’ll simply say: thanks! ☺️


I know I’ve been kind of MIA lately, but I have a good reason (that I’m not quite ready to discuss). There have certainly been a lot of fun Apple rumors swirling around lately and I wish I had time to blog about them, but alas, I do not. I’m enjoying all of your hot takes though!


It’s been another rough week of receiving bug reports that I can’t seem to reproduce. Don’t ever make a video app, folks. There are just too many variables.


Charlie has found two new favorite games on his iPad (my old third gen), both of which are by Sago Mini: Sago Mini Farm and Sago Mini Puppy Preschool. In the latter, he especially loves putting all the doggies in the bathtub. ???


I know, I know. I said I was going to take a break from programming in February. But then Snapthread got featured and I got all jazzed about it and well…here I am. Here’s a peek at my work-in-progress:

Early version of Snapthread for iPad


Snapthread received 8,194,268 impressions over the last 3 days, in case any of you are interested in that data. That’s basically the number of people who opened the “Apps” tab in the store, since AFAIK you didn’t have to scroll at all to see it. It only translated to a few hundred downloads, but I’m still extremely pleased!


Is there any way I can detect when a UISplitViewController has changed display mode? I need to refresh my collection view after it finishes changing from primaryOverlay to allVisible. There’s no delegate method for that that I can see.


? In the week since I posted about Snapthread’s download numbers, it’s actually done quite a bit better than I expected. I thought it would drop off to 1-2 downloads/day, but instead it’s been more like 8-9 (and one day had 22!). I still think moving to freemium is the best way forward, though.


Pro-tip: if you’re localizing your app yourself and you need to know what Apple calls a certain thing in that language (i.e. “Smart Albums”), just find a support article that mentions it and change your locale at the bottom of the page.


I’ve been having quite a lot of fun localizing Snapthread with the help of some very generous translators. I’m copy & pasting the translations manually and it’s definitely hitting the “mindless data entry” sweet spot for me. Very relaxing.


As I ponder App Store business models, my mind keeps coming back to this: making Snapthread free with a tasteful watermark in the corner, with an in-app purchase to permanently remove it. People who already paid for the app would be grandfathered in. Thoughts?


The Falcon Heavy launch ? was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever witnessed and I was able to watch in on my phone, in HD, through my AirPods, while snuggling my son to sleep. ?


iMovie hasn’t been updated for iPhone X. Also, I’m pretty sure it has to be using separate storyboards for iPhone and iPad, if it uses them at all. ?